World According to Carey

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I'm a stay at home momma, devoting her life to her twin 6 year old girls,1 messy husband and a fiesty teenage cat. What more could you want to know?

Friday, September 19, 2008


Friday is finally here. The girls & I are well on the mend. Emma & Sarah had their 18 month check-up yesterday and they were both well enough to get their last DTP and this years Flu shots. SO, now they will not need any more shots until they are four, except of course for their annual Flu shot. THAT is so great. Without having health insurance paying for the shots has been very expensive, but now all we will have to pay for will be check-up visits and sick visits (if we get sick). I am so happy....I am doing the happy dance, you just can't see me. Have a great weekend everyone.


Anonymous said...

None of us have never gotten the flu shot.....
Do they girls really need them every year?
I have heard that some people get "flu-like symptoms" just from the shot?

Glad everyone is doing better! No finish those BOOKS!!!!

Karen said...

Glad you and the girls are feeling better! We would love to have you and the girls over anytime. My mom is staying through next weekend. I would love to have all the GNO girls over in fact. It's been a while since I've seen everyone. We will have to plan something soon. Life is busy and I am exhausted most days but I know you know just how I feel. It's been wonderful with my mom here but I know it will be super tough when she leaves. I am just taking one day at a time! Talk to you soon!