World According to Carey

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I'm a stay at home momma, devoting her life to her twin 6 year old girls,1 messy husband and a fiesty teenage cat. What more could you want to know?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PBS left me with questions.

Have you ever found yourself watching a kids program long after your kids left the room. Yeah it seems to happen to me all the time. Funny thing is, I tend to continue watching so I can find out what happens. Does this mean I am still childlike? Who knows.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Friday is finally here. The girls & I are well on the mend. Emma & Sarah had their 18 month check-up yesterday and they were both well enough to get their last DTP and this years Flu shots. SO, now they will not need any more shots until they are four, except of course for their annual Flu shot. THAT is so great. Without having health insurance paying for the shots has been very expensive, but now all we will have to pay for will be check-up visits and sick visits (if we get sick). I am so happy....I am doing the happy dance, you just can't see me. Have a great weekend everyone.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Blues

Today is Monday and just when I was feeling better, I got sick again. YUCK! Good news is my birthday was Saturday and I was better then. My parents took the girls for the day so Michael and I went shopping at the Towne Center and then we had lunch at Maggiano's. It was really good and we had a great time. But late last night my throat got scratchy again. SO that means the girls will not be going to their 18 month check-up. Because if I am still sick that means so are they and no shots. This is good and bad. I hate the shots part for them because they cry really hard which makes me cry. This is bad because I have to reschedule again. Happy Monday!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Getting Better

We are finally all on the mend. Our noses are still runny and we cough at night, but 2 days and no fever. YEAH! TGIF! Did I mention that tomorrow is my birthday. Just a reminder. HA!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Me too!

Well it is official, I am now sick too. Talk about a letdown. I guess maybe I will be feeling better by Saturday, for my birthday, but maybe not. And my Dad came by yesterday to bring me an iced coffee (what a good daddy), and now he is sick too. We are very contagious. Now I am debatting if we need to go to the doctor. UGH, just what we need another bill. :>

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So Saturday I took the girls to their first major playdate at a park with the other twins in our twins group. By Sunday Emma was sick and by Monday night Sarah was sick. Another 2 nights with no sleep. UGH, but they did have a lot of fun at the park. Now they will be sick for probably another 2 - 3 days and then by next Saturday, Sept. 13th I will probably be sick. Just in time for my 37th birthday. OH BOY!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sleep walking

I miss sleep. I took the girls on vacation over 3 weeks ago and although they adjusted well and slept in port-a-cribs while out of town, it seems since we got back they can't sleep in their own cribs anymore. So, at first I let them fall asleep with me and then I would move them back to their cribs. Then I decided to stay in their room with them until they fell asleep and then later if they woke up at say 3am I moved them into bed with me. THEN it turned into both of them in my bed by midnight. Well 2 nights ago I said no they are going to sleep in their own cribs and staying there until morning, but they are still waking up by 4am and basically staying awake until 7am.....AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....does anyone have any ideas.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mommy, mommy, mommy

Today my girls are very clingy. It makes doing any little thing out of their eyesight so awful. I hope they outgrow this separation anxiety soon. Although it is kinda nice to be so wanted and needed. Happy Wednesday!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day to all those who work to make this country run. We salute you! God Bless!