World According to Carey

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I'm a stay at home momma, devoting her life to her twin 6 year old girls,1 messy husband and a fiesty teenage cat. What more could you want to know?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So Saturday I took the girls to their first major playdate at a park with the other twins in our twins group. By Sunday Emma was sick and by Monday night Sarah was sick. Another 2 nights with no sleep. UGH, but they did have a lot of fun at the park. Now they will be sick for probably another 2 - 3 days and then by next Saturday, Sept. 13th I will probably be sick. Just in time for my 37th birthday. OH BOY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Were other kids sick in the playgroup?
Happy EARLY Birthday!!!!---old woman!