World According to Carey

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I'm a stay at home momma, devoting her life to her twin 6 year old girls,1 messy husband and a fiesty teenage cat. What more could you want to know?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sleep walking

I miss sleep. I took the girls on vacation over 3 weeks ago and although they adjusted well and slept in port-a-cribs while out of town, it seems since we got back they can't sleep in their own cribs anymore. So, at first I let them fall asleep with me and then I would move them back to their cribs. Then I decided to stay in their room with them until they fell asleep and then later if they woke up at say 3am I moved them into bed with me. THEN it turned into both of them in my bed by midnight. Well 2 nights ago I said no they are going to sleep in their own cribs and staying there until morning, but they are still waking up by 4am and basically staying awake until 7am.....AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....does anyone have any ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you made the right choice in putting them back into their rooms to sleep. Habits are hard to break (as you can see) if you start having them in bed with you.
When they get up at 4am, I would leave them in their beds until their "regular" waking time (7am?)
They may cry or they may just go back to sleep, but that's what I used to do with the boys.....
I would give it 2-3 days before you try something new.